Thursday 29 December 2011


oke only a few more days to 2012,,
seriously it scare me!
but the thing is, just face it with smile
everything is gonna be okay weyh!
oke 2011 seriously has taught me about a real life
everything will be okay if we just believe in ourself
thank for those people who always be by my side
n i just cant believe that im gonna be seventeen
it just like a magic!
i still remember the first day i came to Integomb
n Integomb teach me a lot of things!
next year im gonna be
PKR the only thing that most i dont want

yes i admit yang when i was f4, aku cepat give up
in everything!
especially in basket n +math
i know it not good but i just,, i dont know!
n aku memg cepat gile nanges dis year!
n now i believe that im gonna sit for SPM
n of cos the word 'give up' should be remove!

im PKR, but i cannot bear the responsibilit!
i was extremely heavy!
why was me!
i dont want it!
im not the one who can take that responsibility!
n bile haiqal say that,
"nisa serious siket!"
" nisa ko kene r jadi camne camtu.."
bile dy cakap camtu seriously semangat aku become less n less
im guilty!
i dont want it!
im not the one who likes challenges
im not the one who persevere
i cant take it!
but bende da jadi n aku terpakse take that responsibility
n im really scared to face 2012..
but i know i have my friends that always be by my side!
love ya!
n i will try my best to be a brave nisa!
n i believe in ALLAH..
always put ALLAH no1 in your heart n everything is gonna be okay!

form 4 is tough but form gonna be tougher

thanks to all of them,,

guys sorry for being suck n i realy appreciate all of u,,

Monday 26 December 2011


oke, here some post about patience,,
urm, kalau korang mara msti korang ngamuk2 kan??
samela ngan aku
but why not we try to make the ngamuk2 less?
urm, oku xtau nape ak post bnde ne,,
but dis school holiday seriously i learnt so many things about this ngamuk2..
n pasal gado2 yang xrasional..
urm, kalau kte mara2 ngan org laen nape kite nak sampai gado2?
sampai nak jerit2?
sampai nak pukul2?
perlu ke?
no of cos not kan?
why not kite bertolak ansur ngan orang yg kte mara tu?
xrugi pon kalau kite mengalah ok,,
nape certain of us xnak mengalah?
yes i know why!
this is de most stupid thing i heard!
nape? rase maruah tercabar?
urm, sometimes klau ade orang tego kite, kite xnak dengar advice die,,
n sometimes kte sanggup berdendam ngan die even kadang2 memg da terang benderang its was ur fault!
npe? malu? maruah tercabar? EGO!
urm,, tau x camne nk hilangkan mara?
seriously kalau korang nga mara2 then korang istighfar, srious korang akan cool gile!
it simple!
aku da pna try da,, serious berkesan!
but time 1st time aku try tu afte aku da abes kamus carut aku r tapi,,
its bad oke!
urm, oke i know that im not deserve to talk about this sebab aku ne pon x bape reti nk control mara aku sangat,,
but i do love to share something good with others,,
urm, istighfar oke,,
tau x nape certain orang yg da kawen asyik gado2?

1. takde tolak ansur
2. ade EGO yang sgt tinggi!

kan orang cakap gado tu la kemanisan rumah tangga!
oke bagi aku it absolutely not!
sebab bagi aku kalau da kawen then gado2 baek xpayah nak kawen!
n especially for those yang berlakon baik, penyayang, penyabar, caring n pape je before dorang kawen,, n tibe2 afte kawen perangai sume tukar cam banduan penjara tu,, better korang xpayah nak kawen la!
korang ne menyusahkan orang laen je tau x!
sory to say la tapi from wat i see lelaki selalunye camne,,
but i admit yang pompuan pon 2 x 5 je en,,
so for those yang nak kawen tu,, mantap2kanla iman korang,,
for what?
for ur family future oke..
oke for those yang ade perangai2 baran tu, buangla cepat,,
xde manuasie yang kat dunie ne bole idop bahagia aman damai ngan orang baran,,
n of cos i hate those person yang ade perangai baran ne!
sory to say but i really hate baran2 ne!
orang baran ne keje nak menyalahkan orang laen n xpna nak ngaku salah die.
hurm,, this post quite long..
memamg long pon,,
but nta xtau nape aku post..
nak express stress kot..
oke sory for being emo,,
but seriouasly kalu mara just istighfar oke?
n jangan jadi baran,,
takkan bahagie orang baran ne..

sory for being emo this night
just wanna get rid of stress

Monday 19 December 2011


okey skola da nak bukak!
only a few more days huh,,
and it was seriously scare me!
okey from day to day memang aku mken bersemangat waja gilegile
nak sit for the SPM,, 
oh no! self confidence makin berkurang from day to day jugal weyh!!
serious cuak!
especially addmath,, i have zero confidence for add math oke..
even the simplest calculation!
ramai orang cakap,,

" bagi aku chapter function is the simplest"
" approximate paling senang la"

or pape je en,,
dorang ade chapter yang bg dorang is simplest for them,,
tapi aku stu pon takde weyh!
bagi aku addmath susah gile!
n aku xde confidence langsung tok addmath oke..
yes, ramai orang cakap do a lot of exercise
tapi it looks like doesn't give any effect kat aku,,
serious takut!
i want the 9A+!
but how bout my add math?
seriously self confidence aku cam it going to zero maybe?
the thing is,,
i don't know oke

additional mathematics =(
yes , i don't know what to said
oh add math. :'(

Monday 12 December 2011


" nisa, ko ne cam budakbudak la"
" nisa ko ne perangai cam budak 7 thun la"
" nisa, ko ne xmatang langsungla"
" angah ne xmacam budak form4 la angah" by my mom
" nisa sumpa perangai cam budak kecik dowh"
" nisa perangai xpena brubah,, still cam budak2 lagi"
" kakak ne cam budakbudak la kak"

yes all these above adalah katekate drpda kwan2 dan fmily saye,,
at first, i just ignore all of it,, but when i read one of my bf's blog, i realise that,, 
yes only 18 days,, n i will b form 5 student! spm candidate!
n of cos i need to be mature isn't?
urm, i have to learn to live without any helper oke..
sbab xsure lagi kwan2 kite yg kite ade sekarang akan still be with us at d future right?
it gonna be so tough to live in dat life,, 
but i have to work on it right?
stop dependent on others okay nisa!!
you have to find your own way nisa,,
sebab xsure lg they will always be with u forever okay nisa,,
ALLAH always there for you..
trust HIM!

p/s congrats to maria elena n asfirdaus on their engagement! i pray the best for both of u,,

Thursday 8 December 2011


hello i just wanna share sometng wit u guys,,
last monday ari 2 i just came back from cameron,,
when im on my way,, i heard lagu hey mickey,,

hurm, act mood aku time tu xbape stable sgt pon,,
but,, after i heard dat song, automatically i smile!
a really2 big smile!
i remember when i was dancing at my school when im form1 n form2
seriously it was awesome!
even act aku ne KAYU, means xreti menari n buruk pon kalau menari!
tp xkesah asalkan aku hepy en
n on dat time jugak, my tear drops on my tshirt!
sriously, sumpa sdeh!
it only 1 year left!
n after dat i will say bye bye to integomb!
it was de hardest word to say okee!
sriously i learnt so many things there!
friendship, sacrifice, suffering, family n life,,
yeah it were a great knowledge!
hurm, but wat ever it is,, life must b continued right??
it was really hard to survive out there,,
no prefect yg nk control my discipline even i hate it! but i admit, it good for me act..
no BUDI yg nak control my association,,
no teacher yg nak tegur2,,
no friends yg always there for me,,
n yg pnting,, NO FUN!
seriously aku rse sronok kat skola je..
even sometimes bagi aku keje rumah hjau 2 memenatkan n seriously i feel dat im not able to assume the responsibility as PKR,, im stupid + useless PKR act!
hurm, thats all! 

p/s to all members of the greenhouse, seriously i am so sorry for that day oke,,n i will try my best for the next time,, n to Amirul Haiqal,, tq for such a great advice! u r such a great leader but, sian ko sbab dapat such a stupid assistant!

Wednesday 7 December 2011


haha aku pon xtau nape ari ne nak ckp bnyk2,,
yes maybe dis is one of my way to calm n make myself happy n no more stress maybe,,
but wat im going to tell you is,,
hurm i don know how to turn on my life's light,,
haha xyah pham..
i feel like i lost my spirit to get wat i want..
it was because i feel like im dying when i see my mom crying n i don know how to calm her,,
i feel like there is no point to live,,
if u ask me wat i want in my life, i will answer it like this:

1. i want a happy family
2. i want a great friend
3. i want a flying colour spm slip
4. i want to fly somewhere
5. i want a great job
6. i want a husband
7. i want a kids

but the 1, 6 n 7 surely or maybe i cant get it,,
i dont believe in marriage
i love it but i hate it okee
i have a really great mom but it not same like 'him'
i hate 'him'
i really2 hate 'him'
he make my mom suffer!
he make my brothers live in fear!
he make me trouble n i hate 'him'!

if you want the people respect you, you have to respect the people first!
it hard for me to forgive him :(


hurm, i just wanna say dat,, THANK YOU ALLAH coz giving me such a great bestfriends!
n tu you, thank you so much buddy,,
n do remember me always oke!

scream aloud!!

yeahsriously i wanna SCREAM!!
yes like dis!

no it not just like that,, but like dis!

u know why huh??
of cos u know NOTHING!
yes of cos im in severe stress!!!

i said NO to this type of statement!!!!
because it was such a big + stupid liar!!
of cos i don wanna say yes to RUMAHKU NERAKAKU!
but it seems like that oke..
n i hate it!!
untunglaa orang yg bhagie an kalau dok rumh..
oke dats all from me thank u!

be strong nisa! :)

Tuesday 6 December 2011


yeah, now i hve to force myself dat im the SPM CANDIDATE babehh!
so wat should i do now?
nisa, do u still want de only 3A like in ur diognostik?????
oh noooo! of course i don want n i hate it okee!
so lets struggle nisa sayangggg..
tak kan ko xnak jadi cam MAISARAH ZAINUDDIN huh?
tak kan ko xrse tecabar ngan CAPEQ weyh??
tak kan ko tak nak jadi cam FIRDAUS AZIZ yg sumpa rjen bace buku even otak die da gelige??
tak kan ko tak nak follow the other successfull people huh?
tak kan ko tak nak ade azam n semagat cam AFIQ SHAMSUKAMAL yng gile2 nak proudkan parents die??
hellooo nisa, open ur eyes n think about ur future sayangg,,
orang malas cari alasan orang rajin, cari jalan la weyh
xkan ko nak jadi pengutip sampah?
xkan ko just nak jd cashier n all dat?
nisa,, if u want it, u hve to work for it babeeh..
so, go n take all ur BOOKS n READ it honey!
but u hve ikhlaskan hti ko oke,,
study is not just for ur exam, but for ur own knowlwdge n life oke,,
so limit ur FACEBOOKING n ur NOVELLING nisa,,,
sume tu ko bole wat afte SPM!
remember nisa, ur SPM is ur FUTURE sayanggg,,
oke nisa, u hve to beat CAPEQ
u hve to beat de other 46 people yg ats ko 2..
they also human being cam ko,,
dorang bejaye cuz their efforts is more n more than u!
so u hve to plus n plus ur efforts to gain ur dream sayanggg...

so, LALOLA + JUMPERZ lets rock the school babehh!
we can do it!
we are the SPM CANDIDATEs!
again, we are the SPM CANDIDATES!
so now, pray to ALLAH n start ur revision,,
cuz ALLAH look at ur efforts n not ur intelligence!
so SPM,, here i come..
i love u SPM!
n i do love the 9A+!

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia

p/s guys, do take note of this cuz i want all of us get onto the stage n take the straight's A+ slip  together okee,, i love u guys!

Monday 5 December 2011

that thing

yes sriously memang sgt2 susah nk jadikan bnde 2 reality,,
but,, i will try my best 2 make it reality!
n sriously i don blive in those marriage2 ne..
so i will try my best to make IT true!

p/s guys, do pray for me oke.


sriously hdup ne mmg bnyk dugaan en,,
but u hve 2 remember Allah tau kebolehan hambe nye,,
n u must face all those trials n challenges bravely n strongly nisa!
u can do it nisa!
u hve ur mom, friends, brothers dat can gve u all those spirit dat u wanted,,
n stop carut2 nisa!
it not a good habit tau x carut2 n1
n those people around u dat really care of u hve remind u more than 1000x times n ask u to stop from carut2 oke,,
n wat ever it is u hve face it n make urself strong n always remember Allah cuz He is de best life saver n He always b by ur side..
its okay 2 cry cuz cry can make u b more strong n can calm u n cry is d best treatment of all those sdeh2 ni,,
love urself n face it!


yeah this is me n arisyah,,,
spe arisyah?
yeah arisyah ne stu2nye kwan aq yg still stick ngn aku dri skola rndah smpila skola mngah ne..
hurm die ne baek gle kowt ngn aku... act aku post psal die ne aku just nk say tq kt ko la kwan coz dga aku nges ari sabtu 2,, haha bdoh en aku, pagi2 sboh kul 8.40 somtng dtg uma ko tbe2 pastu nges2 en,, haha cm orang gile! tp sory gak r kcau ko pgi2 time ko nk g 2syen 2.. tp akumemg da sumpa da xthan sbenarnye.. sbab 2 r aku tbe2 dtg uma ko nges2.. aku da xbole nk than dlm hti n at last aku nges je kt ko..
ish, sumpa dowh aku mlu syah nges dpan umi, abi, n sory gak kat hajar sbab aku kejot die tdo ngan dga aku nges jret2 tu sya,,,
hurm, sya abi 2 baek gle weyh.. ko wt r baek gle2 au ngan die,,kang klau ko dpt cam yg aku punye ne,,, mampos ko!haha
hurm tq au dnga aku nges melalak kt uma ko ari 2 n ckp kat abi gak tq kasi pinjam bku 2, nant ak return blek oke kawan...n sory gak wat ko lmbat g tusyen..
btw, thank you again, again n again! love you siti ariyah bt mohd ghazali!

p/s nasi goreng umi ari 2 sdap n btol gak hajar ckap klu tensyen g mkan

Thursday 1 December 2011


yeah! semalam aku kuar ngan my brother yang baru je habes spm! again, HABES SPM! again, HABES SPM! n after this will b my turn ok,, so yesterday we went to...



 oke, so this is my first time pegi kl ngan abang aku je n u know wat aku naek ape?????? argh!! aku naek moto!!!!!! argh! tudung aku da memang melayang2 ditiup angin kencang tau tak!! n kat atas motor 2 aku berzikir NON-STOP dari selayang ke pavilion 2! sumpa cuak! abang ak ne bawak mcm kene kejar pocong tau x ! sumpa r mmg heatbeat aku laju gile2!!

n bile sampai kat sne mmg aku sumpa r lega gle nk mati,,, TAPI, argh tibe2 abang aku cakap "anis apal ngan ko punye tudung atas tu?" huh? tudung atas???............ n aku tepeker,, oh no! my awning! n bile aku tgk kat side mirror,, argh komot seribu!! n ak tros lari msok toilet n xbole btol jugak so tepakse la ku pegi pavi dengan selebet nk mampos!!!haha tp mampos r,,, so kitorang pon jalan2 n i bought something from

n aku beli vincci blue flat shoes, pastu jalan2 n sumpa aku rase nk beli sume benda tp da after dat we go n watch the..

cite ne bes gle kot bagi aku,, n bella n ewdward already married ok.. n they got a vampire baby. n ending part cite ne,, bella bukak mate n mate die jadi mate vampire...
so nanti bile da kuar part 2 memang aku pegi cepat2 r..

so after 2 jalan2 lagi n abg aku pon beli la bju die.. n bile nak balek hujn seriously lebat gle2! n tepakse la tgu lame gle! n lastly balek kul 6.40 somethng r dgan meredah hujan renyai n helmet yg sangat berat kne hujn.. so conclusion....


ok,, tata! assalamualaikum.